As advocates of reflective practice, we love to receive feedback from our clients – we use it to ensure we are continually improving our services.

Here’s a small selection!

CLT Logo
“Just at St Mary’s this morning meeting with the Head and Deputy. They are singing your praises… they thought the training was spot on yesterday. Thank you very much for your support with this!”
Janet Sheriff, CEO, Collaborative Learning Trust
All Saints Bradford Logo“It was very useful for subject leaders to have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and understanding of their subject. Having the chance to really think about the core values that underpin their curriculum is vital to its implementation.”
G Tordoff, SLT, All Saints CE Primary School, Bradford

“Straightforward and very helpful advice with the development of the PE curriculum.” J Osborne,  Teacher, All Saints CE Primary School, Bradford
Pinc College Logo“The structure Angela gave to the task was new to me and captured all important elements of the process. Its presentation in table form made it very clear to follow. Angela is also being very supportive of me in allocating my time and expertise more efficiently and realistically.”
H Bowker, Speech, Language & Communication Specialist, Pinc College

“An enjoyable experience and a chance to talk to staff that you don’t always get chance to. Open discussion about issues that have been building for a few years  [in] a non-threatening environment, facilitated by people who are not emotionally involved, so gave us perspective.”

“A very interesting coaching/training session which allowed us to evaluate some of the positive and negative aspects of our school.”

“Absolutely fabulous! Informative and encouraged honesty within members of staff – especially about communication. I enjoyed every minute. Thanks to you both – kindness, communication and positivity are key”

“A really good start to a fresh year at school. Thank you for understanding our needs. I enjoyed hearing SLT values from someone with leadership experience and shared values.”
Staff Members, Silverhill Primary School, Derbyshire