Our Continuous Professional Development offer is a partnership – we join you on your journey towards your goals. With a background in school leadership, we understand the needs of education settings, and speak your language.

Teachers’ perceived influence over their professional development goals is associated with higher job satisfaction and greater intention of staying within teaching. Not only is more CPD likely to improve their teaching, but it may also improve the wellbeing and retention of teachers.
(Jens Van Der Brande & James Zuccollo, EPI/Wellcome Trust Report: “The effects of high-quality professional development on teachers and students: A cost-benefit analysis”, April 2021)

Our Education Partners will provide you with externally sourced, consistent & coherently planned CPD support towards an identified goal/outcome, delivered over a set period of time. We coordinate your staff CPD to develop capacity, capability and the flexibility to change, developing a culture of school improvement and creating a climate of learning across your setting and within your community.

We specialise in supporting schools to develop their staff’s skills in context-specific approaches, practices and pedagogy, supported by effective systems, processes and policy.

Our Education Partners can support you with:

  • Achieving your SEND strategy
  • Developing your Middle Leadership
  • Developing approaches to Teaching and Learning
  • Developing a culture of improvement within all staff
  • Professional development of your Senior Leadership
  • Effective Behaviour Management approaches and strategies
  • Developing strategic overview – particularly useful to new Headteachers

Our work starts with a conversation with you to identify your goals and objectives. We identify appropriate professionals to work with you and draw up a bespoke plan for CPD to deliver against your school vision and SIP, in line with available budget. We work with you and your staff to ascertain their skills and expertise, to ensure that our CPD objectives acknowledge staff starting points, value their expertise and are appropriate to staff roles and context. We translate the objectives into incremental CPD steps, planning the rhythm of activities and Senior & Middle Leadership involvement to effectively embed practice and a culture of improvement.

Our process involves multiple & varied targeted interactions, with the intensity, level & type of support tailored to the specific need of each staff member. We develop genuine relationships by working side-by-side with leaders and other members of staff in person/remotely over a set period of time, with regular feedback to the headteacher/SLT on progress, impact on staff, impact on pupils and achievement of improvement goals.

We love what we do & are always happy to discuss our approach and see how we can help you meet your school improvement and CPD needs. For a no-obligation free phone consultation, request a callback and let’s see how we can help you