Our Mission – to Challenge Educational Mindset

We challenge educational mindset, helping leaders to shape their school learning culture. We position planned, personalised CPD as the key driver to achieving better outcomes for pupils.

‘High-quality professional development for teachers has a significant effect on the effectiveness of teaching.’ (Zuccollo & Fletcher-Wood, 2020)

Our Offer

At its best, CPD is purposeful, relevant, owned by the individual and planned coherently for maximum impact.

We offer in-school professional opportunities for staff at all levels & in all roles. We work with you to link wider organisational goals with personalised learning needs, developing school-wide leadership mindset to create a culture of improvement within your school.

‘The quality of teachers in our classroom is one of the most important determinants of how much children learn. The very best teachers generate four times as much progress for their students as the least effective.’ (Dylan William, 2016: 182)

Our Approach

We don’t offer quick-fix, one-size-fits-all solutions.

We don’t deliver, then walk away. As Education Partners, we join you on your journey, forming ongoing relationships and help you to problem-solve through discussion and collaboration. We tailor our approach to each setting, each client & each target group.

We facilitate sustainable change, helping you to develop a culture of genuinely collaborative practice in your setting. We help you to achieve accountability through shared understanding and the championing of responsibility and professionalism. We provide a framework to deliver change in staff teaching approaches, habits and behaviours, establishing a learning climate that promotes positive change in professional language choices and creates whole-school leadership practice.

‘Participation in professional development increases retention for new and experienced teachers alike.’ (Zuccollo & Fletcher-Wood, 2020)

Our Process

Our process draws on high-quality academic research and develops leaders at all levels.

Together with school leaders we plan your school’s CPD coherently to ensure school priorities and individual learning are balanced.

Using personalised planning and support, we acknowledge expertise, encourage self-reflection and promote independent, informed decision-making. The work we do with your staff is context-specific, has a coherent sense of progression towards a clearly stated goal or outcome and combines multiple approaches.

Individual starting points are at the centre of our approach – valuing staff expertise and delivering maximum impact. Our approach is not just an input of information but a focus on change, development and growth.

‘Study after study shows teacher autonomy over classroom decisions and own development is an important factor in teacher satisfaction’ (Jack Worth and Jens Van den Brande, 2020)

We support & develop staff at all levels, from support staff through to senior leadership. We love what we do & would love to work with you – contact YCPD and let’s see what we can make happen!

Angela Smith, Founder, YCPD